
Showing posts from August, 2018

Cannot see AdjustedRate, BaseRate, Basis, TermAmount when creating and editing a rate routine

If you cannot see AdjustedRate, BaseRate, Basis, TermAmount when you edit a rate routine this means your routine is not configured properly to work with costs. A routine may use a cost object, although it is not required. If the routine does not use a cost object it just returns some result. If it does use a cost object then during routine calculation flow it updates such properties of a cost object as AdjustedRate, BaseRate, Basis, TermAmount. In the latter case the routine must be configured to use a cost object. This can be configured in the Parameter Sets section. Find a corresponding parameter set that is in use by the routine. Edit the parameter set and set Include Cost to true. Now you will be able to see predefined AdjustedRate, BaseRate, Basis, TermAmount variables in you rate routine.

Existence Script must be empty if existence is not defined by script

This sounds like a play of words and does not exactly describe what is wrong with your product model. If you start PolicyCenter and see an exception like this: ERROR Configuration COV_PATTERN_CODE [CoveragePattern] : - 1 error(s) in CoveragePattern "COV_PATTERN_CODE "   [1] ERROR COV_PATTERN_CODE  [field : ExistenceScript] : - Existence Script must be empty if existence is not defined by script. ERROR Server.RunLevel ***** PolicyCenter unable to start ***** gw.api.webservice.exception.ServerStateException: Errors detected in Product Model. First correct the errors and then retry startup. at com.guidewire.pc.domain.productmodel.impl.ProductModelImpl.logAndThrowIfErrors( at com.guidewire.pc.domain.productmodel.impl.ProductModelImpl.verifyProductModel( at com.guidewire.pc.domain.productmodel.impl.ProductModelImpl.verifyProductModel( at com.guidewire.pc.domain.productmodel.impl.ProductM

Git cannot unlink a file

Have you ever seen a git error like "cannot unlink a jar file" when trying to stash changes? It may happen if your file is in use by another process. To avoid the error close Guidewire Studio, stop  running servers (like PolicyCenter server) if any. Usually this happens to custom jar library files that you added to your solution.